L'esperance Benefciary Breakdown
Primary School Orphans: These children are in what we would call elementary school. They came to L'esperance at a young age and continue to be dependent on the orphanage for finishing their education. Since L'esperance lost their primary school in their relocation, these children must be sent away to boarding school.
Secondary School Orphans: These children are in what we would call high school. They came to L'esperance at a young age and continue to be dependent on the orphanage for finishing their education. Since L'esperance doesn't have a secondary school (yet), these children must be sent away to boarding school.
Community Students: These children live in the local L'esperance community, but have very limited access to basic resources (i.e. food, education, clothing). When the L'esperance Kinyo Kindergarten was launched in February 2015, these children were invited to join the program while still living at home.
Resident Orphans: This is the youngest group of children and they are 100% dependent on L'esperance for their survival. They live on campus in dormitories and get their food, clothing, and education through L'esperance programs. Many of them also attend the L'esperance Kinyo Kindergarten.